Since I bought Everette an electric guitar and amp for an early Christmas present, I have now become the designated blog writer. Since today is the last day of this month, I will just add one picture of our home at Don Pedrillo.
November seems to be the most appropriate month to express thankfulness; therefore, this blog will be one of personal thanksgiving.
I am thankful for:
My husband of 34+ years, Everette, who is the greatest problem-solver I have ever known. He has acquired an immense list of skills that enabled him to make this adobe-walled structure into a beautiful home. He does not shy away from learning new ways to attack a variety of problems.
My three sons, Chris, Sam, and Mickey whose intelligence, ingenuity, creativity, resourcefulness, and “joy in living” inspire me.
My first daughter-in-law, Yadira, who adds the feminine perspective and her enormous heart to my family. I could not imagine my family without her.
My newest daughter-in-law, Danielle, who with my son Chris, enriched my family with my first grandchild, the long awaited granddaughter, Alysandra. I look forward to spending more time with both whenever possible.
Our friend, Felipe, who invited and welcomed my family to Oaxaca back in 1994. He and his family helped us adjust to our first year in Mexico and helped us purchase this property.
Felipe’s wife, Alejandra, who sheltered and protected us during that first year here. She continues to share her knowledge of local customs, plants, etc. She is a lovely woman and I appreciate her friendship.
Felipe’s family and friends who have extended their love and friendship to my family for the past 20+ years.
The opportunity to study and to work at UTB in Brownsville, Texas. I am also grateful for the years Everette and I were able to work in Texas which afforded us the finances to reconstruct this home and to retire comfortably here.
The ability to learn a new language and to appreciate a new culture.
The beautiful vistas and the variable weather here in Oaxaca.
The new vision, attitude, and appreciation of life that my time here in Oaxaca has provided me.
My role as wife and mother with all its joys and challenges.
My husband’s brothers and sisters: Cathy, Joel, Bobbie, Legrand, and Rachel, who have always accepted me into their family with unconditional love. My life has been blessed by them.
The opportunity I had to live in the states of CT, PA, MA, CO, CA, WA, NC, and TX. My horizons expanded with each new state.
For my parents, John and Jean Whitman, who raised me in a traditional home and taught me right from wrong, encouraged me to read voraciously, and showed me how to love the USA. They provided me with the foundation to pursue my many travels and adventures as well as my education.
For all the teachers and the professors I encountered from kindergarten through graduate school who challenged me and inspired me to reach farther, see clearer, and to never stop learning.
For the opportunity Everette and I had to start and run a business, set and achieve goals, and meet so many interesting people along the way.
For the technology that has been available in my lifetime including computers, the internet, and especially Facebook and Skype. These last two have enabled me to communicate with my sons and my friends from around the US.
The hours my husband spent online acquiring books, audiobooks, and movies for our enrichment and enjoyment here in Don Pedrillo.
For my health and the energy to pursue my hobbies of cooking, gardening, crocheting baking, and sewing.
A comfortable home which needs neither a heater nor an air conditioner, thanks to the 3’ thick adobe walls and the 18’ high roof of teja.
For all of these and many, many more I am thankful this year.