Putting the blog on hold

April 18, 2021

I pondered for over a year what to say in this blog. In fact, I wrote it several times and ended up deleting each time.

In my last blog, I commented on how my new neighbor had failed for over a year to make some kind of outhouse. My neighbor, his family, and everyone who visited, shit wherever they chose.  

Out of the four hundred and seventy-eight people who read the blog, no one found that practice disgusting enough to comment on. I was pretty perturbed.

At first I thought, do people feel such contempt about Mexicans that they just assumed that’s how Mexicans are. But I had made it clear that is not normal here. I considered that people were apprehensive about criticizing a Mexican. That didn’t make sense to me. Since when is it inappropriate to condemn bad behavior?

I could or cannot fathom not being sympathetic enough to call out such uncivilized behavior if someone told me their neighbor was defecating in their yard.

After some research, I discovered that there are over two billion people in the world who openly defecate. Hundreds of thousands of people (mostly children) die or become gravely ill from the practice.

Finally a good friend (an American) confided that in his opinion no one had commented because of political correctness. I suspect that he is right. Given the consequences of open defecation, the practice, I’d argue is an open for discussion topic.  

This led to another search about anti free speech movements in America. It turns out that there have been a few. It seems to me that the movements are usually led by bullies (often for personal gains), or by do-gooders who believe they have the moral authority to insist that everyone conform to their beliefs. Do-gooders often turn into bullies.

I’ve decided that until this latest attack on free speech is eliminated, I am going to put my blog on hold. After living here for over eight years I have made some observations, and have perceptions I would like to share. Given the present climate I don’t feel comfortable expressing them here on my blog.

I looked into starting a forum that would allow people to discuss books that they have read. I have taken to reading a lot and thought how I would love to share some of the incredible stories I have read. I would also love to hear from others, especially receiving tips on good reads. I was ready to download an application for a forum when I got the idea of checking out some existing forums. I’m glad I did.

It seems to me that debates have become more hateful. People are quick to label, to demonize those with opposing views.

In a way, I have the luxury of living in a bubble of sorts. I read no news, but do see recommended videos on Youtube. Usually reading the titles is more than I care to see. You can delete the channels but others pop up like flies.

If you’d like to communicate through email (more private), I’d welcome any discussion on books or about Mexico.

To those who read my blog, it was very special sharing those first years here. Thanks for taking the time to read them.

My email is [email protected]


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