A trip to the mountains

July 08, 2014  •  6 Comments

Normally a trip to a restaurant wouldn’t be worthy of a blog but our trip last Sunday is an exception.

About a year ago Beto had a friend that works for CFE, the electric company here in Mexico to come to our house to help resolve a problem. Rodolfo and I became friends so he stopped by a few times when his work brought him near our house. A week ago Rodolfo showed up with his wife and we ended up chatting for hours. Rodolfo’s wife Olga designs and makes custom clothing. Beth really enjoyed getting to know her and sharing similar interests.

They invited us to go with them up into the mountains to eat trout at a restaurant. So Sunday Beth and I rode the bus to Oaxaca where we met them at the Monument of Benito Juarez and then rode with them in Rodolfo’s car.

Highway 175 leaves Oaxaca and winds around to Tuxtepec eventually ending up at the Gulf Coast in Vera Cruz.  The highway is a mountain road with lots of curves and elevation changes. It’s a beautiful drive! I was reminded of the North Cascade Highway in Washington State.

Very quickly we left the city and lowland vegetation behind and were surrounded by pine forests. We’d forgotten how much we missed being in a forested area. Normally when Beth and I go somewhere I drive; it was a real treat to sit back and enjoy the view.

In the Background you can see Oaxaca de Juarez

It's hard to make out but at the bottom of the valley sits a small village.


We passed through San Pablo Guelatao (birth place of Benito Juarez) and stopped at a restaurant just past Ixtlan de Juarez. The restaurant specializes in different ways to prepare and cook fresh trout. The fish farm right next to the restaurant provides the fish. The restaurant is nestled in a small valley. The location is spectacular.


Entrance to the restaurant.

Other than drinks and deserts the menu was almost totally dedicated to trout. Instead of having tortillas with our meal we were served large tostadas about a foot in diameter. The food was great and the open restaurant provided a very relaxing atmosphere.

While eating we received a wonderful surprise. A family we knew from Brownsville arrived at the restaurant. It was a shock to see them here in this restaurant so far from Texas. The Sosas are originally from Zoquitlan which is about an hour and a half from our home. Their daughter had been a student of mine and through her we made a friendship. They lost contact with us when we moved so it was exciting to exchange info and new means to communicate. They come down once a year so I’m sure we’ll be visiting Zoquitlan in the future.

After we were dropped off by Rodolfo and Olga, we met up with the Sosas who then spent time visiting with us at Don Pedrillo. They have a daughter who is going into the eleventh grade next year in Los Fresnos. It was fun hearing about my old school.

Traveling to Guelatao filled in a spot that’s been missing in our lives. Beth and I both love the mountains especially with the pines which the mountains around our home just don’t have.


Arnoldo & Melba Mendoza(non-registered)
WOW!!! Melba and I loved the pictures. What a coincidence it was to run into LF students at the restaurant. I am not a seafood eater, but I swear I would've eaten trout that day with you. We were also amazed at the beauty portrayed in your pictures. By the way, Graves (choir guy) says hi. He and his girlfriend Victoria purchased a house and had a home-warming party. You can tell that he isn't from the Valley, because he served Alaskan King Crab and shrimp. Wow, what a spread! He and I were talking about you that night. Were your ears burning? Your home is beautiful and you and Beth seem to be having a great time. We are incredibly happy for you. Take care.
Martha lovett(non-registered)
Wwwoooww! More memories thanks to you guys, it is wonderful to share some past experiences with you guys. I used to cross those mountains in my way from Tuxtepec to Oaxaca de Juárez every time I had to make that trip. My favorite part was always the woods area. I sincerely feel grateful to you for sharing these images. Like we say in Spanish "recordar es vivir" thanks for sharing these drops of life with us. God bless you and take care!!
Deese Family
I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I'd been charging my camera battery and forgot to put it in my camera so all the pics are with my cellphone. Yea I was pretty bummed!!!
Kevin Cruthirds(non-registered)
As always, I loved your blog. Fish as fresh as this restaurant is hands down the best. I noticed a small sign at the entrance "Por favor pise sobre el tapete sanitario". Please walk/cross on the sanitary mat/rug? What was this?

Don Pedrillo is looking mighty good! You've added so many plants.
Take care. I look forward to the next installment.
Victor Jimenez(non-registered)
Wow it looks amazing Everette hope u enjoyed the trip with MaryBeth...Wish u guys nothing but the Best...
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