Beth's Birthday

November 14, 2012  •  5 Comments

Monday was Beth's birthday. It was also our first attempt at hosting a comida. We invited 47 people and 45 showed up. It was a wonderful evening. Friends from Union Zapata, Mitla, Matatlan, San Dionisio, and Tlacolula attended.

Everyone was warned that the food was going to be a little different. We served hot dogs, potato salad, coleslaw, and Boston Baked Beans. Not a typical menu aqui in Oaxaca. Beth was asked for her recipes which is a good sign that the food was enjoyed.  

We have attended many fiestas here in Oaxaca. How different it is to attend or give a small comida where all of the faces, regardless of where you look, are faces of close friends. 

As is the custom here Beth was prompted to take a bite, (mordida), of the cake before it was cut. It's kinda of a fun version of the bride and groom cutting the cake at a wedding. Often someone manages to sneak around behind the birthday person and push their face into the cake resulting in icing from chin to forehead. I suppose that not knowing what her reaction would be Beth was not accosted. 

Later in the night Beth and I were coaxed into having a birthday dance. We felt like king and queen as we danced to "Don't Let Our Love Start Slipping Away", by Vince Gill. 

It's such a great feeling to see friends enjoying themselves and even greater watching a loved one bask in the light of such wonderful friendships. 

Today, another comida in Mitla  to celebrate a friend's birthday. 

Tomorrow morning at seven we have been volunteered to help pescar corn in the field of a friend. Should be interesting!





Can relate to that type of work, we picked corn using cotton sacks back in my younger days and I can attest to the fact that it is "backbreaking" work.
ken orgera(non-registered)
happy birthday. wonderful pictures, thoroughly enjoyable. it looks great. thanks ps. having trouble with shift button on keyboard, thats why no capital letters
Looks like you all had a blast....glad to see your enjoying yourselves. Take Care!
Great event! Thanks for sharing. How old did you say she was? (only kidding)
What a Beautiful sight, celebration, and Birthday Girl. Happy Birthday Beth...and what a joy to be surrounded by All your friends. Many Blessings on your day and your year to come.
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